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New Book Release! The Kamikaze Boys are loose!

| Books, Gay, Kamikaze Boys

Kamikaze Boys by Jay Bell releaseSo there’s this guy, and he takes a lot of slack from people. And then there’s this other guy, whose life kind of sucks. What they both want most is for things to change, because surely anything different would be better. Then comes the day they meet each other…

Kamikaze Boys marks my second foray into the gay romance genre. I know it’s what you guys have been waiting for, because I keep getting emails about Something Like Summer that say, “I can’t wait for your next book!” Well, my next book already happened. What most of you are really saying is you want more of that type of story. Honestly, I’m thrilled by your demands because I love writing romance! Not that Kamikaze Boys is quite the same as Something Like Summer. Ben and Tim, while we love them dearly, have one screwed up relationship. David and Connor, who I hope you’ll soon meet, are the perfect pair. It’s the messed up world around them that’s the problem. That can be even harder than being miserable on your own. It’s one thing when life gives you lemons, but when life squeezes citrus juice into the eyes of the one you love—that’s not cool!

So, my darling readers, I think you know the drill by now. Buy links are on the right, more information and sample chapters can be found on the Kamikaze Boys page. I hope you’ll judge this book on its own merits. It’s not easy having a famous older brother. I speak from experience. Surely you’ve noticed the family resemblance between Brad Pitt and me by now? No? Oh… Enjoy the book anyway. I’ll be here sulking in the corner if you need me.