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Something Like Lightning release date and preorder

| Books, Something Like Lightning, Storms Series

Don't worry, this isn't even an early draft of the cover art. Just a placeholder I whipped up.

Placeholder image is *not* an early draft of the cover art.

I have a date! And no, I don’t mean a date with a hunky Swedish guy who takes me out on his fishing boat so he can take me on his fishing boat. Instead I have a date for Something Like Lightning’s release. Andreas is still working on the cover, and my helpers and I are still getting the book squeaky clean, but we’re only a month away from having everything ready. The good news is that you don’t have to wait to order your copy! Something Like Lightning is currently available for preorder at the stores listed below. I’ll be updating this list as retailers add the book to their catalog. At the moment, preorders are only possible for the eBook version, but I’ll try to make the paperback available a few days early so people can have it shipped to their home in time for the official release. Be sure to come back in the next few weeks for the cover art reveal! And thank you in advance to anyone placing their faith in me.

Preorder Something Like Lightning from:
Amazon Kindle
Google Play
Barnes & Noble