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Something Like Goodbye – The End of a Series

| Books, Something Like Rain, Something Like Series, Something Like Stories, Something Like Summer, Something Like Thunder

Something Like Forever teaserIf there’s one undeniable truth I rage against, it’s that all good things must come to an end. Not just the good things. Everything has its time and place. People, relationships, civilizations. All of it. In this world anyway. Despite understanding this, at times I thought the Something Like… series would only cease to exist when I did. What can I say? When you’re in love, you tend to imagine that it’ll last forever. Maybe the series will return in some other format. (Television and Broadway, I’m still waiting for your call!) But for now, after months of deep thought and searching my heart, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m finally ready to let this story reach its conclusion. The Something Like… series is coming to an end.

The good news is that we still have a ways to go. A new year means new books, and 2017 will see the release of three Something Like… novels, starting with much of the exclusive content over on Patreon. The patrons there have very generously agreed to give that material a wider release, and boy is there a lot! Enough to fill a second volume of Something Like Stories. There’s also the book that the patrons helped steer. Right now it has the working title of Something Like Chance. We still need to vote on the title, but it will fit into the storm-themed books. So, by the end of 2017, the completed series should look like this:

#1 Something Like Summer
#2 Something Like Winter
#3 Something Like Autumn
#4 Something Like Spring
#5 Something Like Lightning
#6 Something Like Thunder
#7 Something Like Stories Volume 1
#8 Something Like Chance (final title forthcoming)
#9 Something Like Rain
#10 Something Like Stories Volume 2
#11 Something Like Forever

You may notice that Something Like Rain will be considered book #9 when it’s currently book #8. That’s due to the overall flow of the series. Thunder tells Nathaniel’s story, and Chance focuses on Marcello’s crew, so those two books seem like better neighbors to me. The end of Rain brings us back around to the season-themed characters, namely Ben and Tim. They of course will be starring in the final book, Something Like Forever. The first draft is already written. All of the above books have already been written. They only need to be edited to perfection.

If you’re sad about the series ending, I am too. We’re in for a grand finale though! Not only will next year see the publication of three new books, but the near-mythical movie will finally get released too. I also have another project cooking that I’m not quite ready to reveal. So while the end is in sight, there is still plenty more to experience. One final hoorah before it’s time to say goodbye. The best way you can prepare for this is by signing up for my newsletter. I plan on releasing these books when they’re ready. I won’t be messing around with preorders, so the newsletter is the best way of being notified. Oh, and if you have any questions about this news, there’s a decent chance I can answer them with a video! See the new “Ask Me Anything” section for details!